Documentation services

Since 2009, Plante & Cité has offered its members a research watch service. Three types of bibliographie reviews are published on current technical and scientific issues. Our members have access to all the articles cited in these reviews.

Bibliographic reviews

These reviews are only available to members. They are sent by e-mail to all members and are also available in our online database.


Plante & Cité's references

This monthly bibliographic review reports the current scientific and technical issues, identified by our ongoing research watch, of the six thematics of Plante & Cité. 10-15 specialist journals are consulted and each bibliographical reference is summarised and analysed. Downloadable documents, reports, conference proceedings, technical guides, theses and books are also referenced. All the references cited since 2009 are available here. ISSN 2426-9271

Plante & Cité's references - special review

This review lists bibliographic research on a specific topic, corresponding to a Plante & Cité project. Examples since 2011 have included: mulching, palm pests and cemeteries. 

The international review

This annual review identifies the results of studies and experiments conducted abroad. It lists, by country, the progress or final reports and the organisations conducting the experiments. ISSN 2426-9344

How to order articles

Access to published articles and documents is a free service reserved for Plante & Cité members.

Orders from an online request

If the documents cannot be downloaded, members can email the specialised librarian for a copy. You must state the document’s call number (e.g., 04523, situated at the top-right of each online reference) and your postal address.

Items are sent by postal mail due to French copyright laws.

Orders from a bibliographic review

If the documents referenced in the review are not downloadable, they can be ordered by completing the online form (the link is in the email containing the review).

Items are sent by postal mail due to French copyright laws.