Experiment and research programmes

How are our programmes developed and validated ?

Our programmes are developed collaboratively each year, to meet the needs of the sector. All the bodies of the Plante & Cité association are involved:

  • June : identification of issues and requirements by our thematic working groups : 

› Agronomy – urban soils – plant management
› Integrated pest and weed management
› Plant selection and innovation
› Economy and management
› Ecology and biodiversity
› Plants – landscaping – urbanism : integrated approaches

  • October: proposal of research and experiment projects by the technical steering committee
  • November : validation of proposals by the scientific council
  • December : final selection of projects by the board of directors; decision made by two committees and according to the budget available.

How are our programmes funded ?

Depending on the scope of the programme and the partners involved, our research and experiment programmes are funded in various ways. These funding types can be complementary :

  • Equity: membership fees 
  • Financial or technical contributions from project partners (authorities and businesses)
  • Other funding mechanisms depending on the type of project, for example: ONEMA (The French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments) within the framework of the Ecophyto project, the umbrella branch organisation Val'hor, European funding projects, competitiveness cluster projects and regional funding.